Mind Castle Educational Society is now going to provide the franchise of NE Green Abacus in every state of India. We are already renowned for our contribution towards the society for providing courses in Handwriting Improvement, Calligraphy, Handwriting Analysis, Speed Writing, Personality Development and Confidence Building in an individual. The purpose of ‘The Green Abacus’ is to boost up the Arithmetic power of the students along with improving concentration level. We are offering unit franchise to small towns/villages at a minimal fee to spread the benefits of Abacus. As small areas always get the benefits of education industry very late or never, this is our humble initiative to spread the benefits of Abacus to those areas. We are known for our unparalleled high-quality services and loved for the attention we offer to our children. The Mind Castle Educational Society is comprised of a recognized group of professional and experienced volunteer within the education industry. We draw upon the contributing efforts of industry leaders and technical experts. While using abacus kids use their both sides of brain, Thus increasing their brain power. Concentration, patience increases hence there would be good result in other subjects also.